Founding Members

The following are the Founding Members of Backbone Infrastructure Nigeria Limited (BINL) for the Route 1, 2, 3, and 6 Corridor programme.

The Integrated Advanced Backbone Project Ltd. was formally founded with the Integrated Infrastructure Backbone Project’s realization as one of its strategic goals. Its design in Route 1’s strategic objective is as follows:


  • To serve as a catalyst for Nigeria’s sustainable and integrated economic growth,
  • To increase and develop Nigeria’s export capacity, to continue generating substantial and long-term employment across the whole nation,
  • To aid in the establishment if a National Security Framework for Nigeria’s strategic infrastructure.
  • To increase the tourist potential of Nigeria.


The main responsibility of Integrated Advanced Backbone Project Ltd. is to facilitate and streamline the intergovernmental interface with the Attorney General of the Federation, the State Governors, the Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission (ICRC), the Ministry of Petroleum, the Ministry of Solid Minerals, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Land, Works and Transport, the Office of the Surveyor-General, the Ministry of Power, the Ministry of Communication, and the Ministry of Land, Works and Transport directly.


Integrated Advanced Backbone Project Ltd is a founding member of Backbone Infrastructure Nigeria Limited. (BINL)


With over 70 years of combined expertise, Netzone Engineering Ltd. is an excellent worldwide infrastructure consulting company that specializes in the design, construction, and management of crucial infrastructure projects, including urban and rural regeneration.

The company has a local presence in Nigeria and is aware of the local content need. Its services include building rail and roads, procuring engineering work, and developing real estate.

Quality, timely, and within budget engineering design and turnkey projects. Netzone Engineering is the technical coordinating organization in the collaboration, which supports the consortium members and ensures that the project is delivered in accordance with the established Statement of Work. (SoW)

NetZone Engineering Ltd. Is a founding member of Backbone Infrastructure Nigeria Limited. (BINL)

All RC structures connected to any tunnelling project, as well as primary and secondary linings of shafts and tunnels, fall under the category of Tunnelcraft works.

This includes:

  • Tunnelling
  • Lining and repairs for tunnels
  • A deep trench
  • Engineering, Civil
  • Intensive Groundwork
  • Bridge and Road
  • Rail
  • Construction and much more


London Water Ring Main, the Millennium Dome Cable Tunnel, the City of London Cable Tunnel, the St. John’s Wood to Elstree Cable Tunnel, the Channel Tunnel Rail Link: Phases 1 and 2 in London, King Cross Station, the Limerick Main Drainage, the Croydon Cable Tunnel, the Lower Lea Valley Cable Tunnels, the Lee Tunnel Beckton, Crossrail, and the Victoria Station Upgrade are examples of historical joint-venture major projects.

Over the years, our skilled management and workers have built a dependable and trustworthy business. We are well-known in the business for always providing our clients with the highest quality service.

Tunnelcraft is a founding member of Backbone Infrastructure Nigeria Limited. (BINL)