ROUTE 1, 2, 3, and 6 MISSION

Route 1 & 3

This project is to provide a north to south backbone transportation infrastructure (Route 1 Corridor) to support federal government’s and BINL’s vision.

Additionally, key infrastructure corridors that are connected to Route 1 will also be created (Route 2, 3, and 6 Corridors), as well as other important infrastructure projects along the Corridors, such as:

  • A world-class north to south rail-transport infrastructure supporting high-speed trains and cargo trains with several strategically-placed dry-ports.
  • A modern 6 lane highway connecting the north of the country with the south. (3 south-bound and 3 north-bound lanes)
  • Construction of a new deep-dea port in Ilaje in Ondo State.
  • Construction of a new industrial-scale oil refinery in Ondo State.
  • Large-scale solar/photovoltaic power plants (Renewable Energy) throughout Nigeria.
  • Traditional power plants strategically positioned along the corridors with a nominal power of 6 to 7 GW that can be upgraded to 14 to 15 GW to deliver base-load energy to all infrastructure; residential, commercial, and industrial real estate.
  • Establishing 10 new “Corridor Beacon Cities”, and developing modern, energy-efficient homes, businesses, and industries close to the main train terminals.
  • Creating 6 new super hospitals. (1200 beds each)
  • Creating a geographical south to north natural gas pipeline.
  • Construct a fibre-optic network and a 5G wireless transmission infrastructure for high-speed telecommunications.
  • Design the Route 1, 2, 3, and 6 Corridor projects with the 92 million Nigerians residing in the Corridor States in mind, and plan for a population growth along the Route 1, 2, 3, and 6 Corridors of 195 million by the year 2050.

With proper administration, the infrastructure corridors will eventually make a substantial contribution to job creation and the economic development of the surrounding Nigerian states.

The infrastructure corridors will help the states of northern Nigeria by enabling the transit of their commodities, outputs, and agricultural products to the Ilaje Deep-Sea Port and the world.

Clockwise from top left: High-Speed Passenger Trains – Freight-Trains – Multilane Highways – Dry-Ports – Optical Ultra-High Speed Internet with 5G Wireless – Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Real Estate – Power Plants and High-Voltage Electric Grid – Natural Gas pipeline for the entire Route 1, 2, 3, and 6 Corridors.


Route 1, 2, 3, and 6 Corridor Location:

  • The Route 1 Backbone Transportation Infrastructure functions as an Integrated Service Corridor from Ibaka (Akwa Ibom State) to Makau (Katsina State) via Abia, Ebonyi, Enugu, Benue, Nasarawa, Abuja – FCT, Kaduna, and Kano.
  • The Route 2 Backbone Transportation Infrastructure functions as an Integrated Service Corridor from Ilaje (Ondo state) to Marte (Bono State).
  • The Route 3 Backbone Transportation Infrastructure acts as an Integrated Niger-Delta States’ Service Corridor from Agge (Bayelsa State) via Rivers State, Anambra State, and Imo State to Enugu State.
  • The Route 6 Backbone Transportation Infrastructure functions as an Integrated Service Corridor from Sankache (FTC) to Komni (Adamawa State).


The Corridor’s project include:

  • The Road System.
  • The Rail System.
  • Energy Supply. (Renewable and Traditional Energy Sources)
  • Natural Gas to Liquid Fuel (GTL) projects.
  • The Corridors’ Medical Facilities ; “To Serve Humanity by Improving Health through the integration of education, discovery and health care”. This was the Vision and Mission of Dr Nkemka Jombo-Ofo.
  • Modern Corridor Beacon Cities.
  • New Settlements and Expansion of Existing Settlements
  • The Ilaje Deep Sea Port in Ondo State
  • Benue State – Proposed Extension of Route 1 to Makurdi
  • Kaduna State – Linking Kaduna and Zaria to Route 1
  • Kano – Connect Kano City to Route 1 and Route 3
  • Katsina State’s Beacon City and Dry-Port
  • World-calls ICT solutions and 5G telecommunication services.


For unrestricted growth in 15 states and effects on an additional 10 states from north to south.

#Foot Note: In 2050, when the population is expected to double from the current 92 million to 195 million, the two corridors are designed to expand to accommodate that growth.