The fifth-largest Frenchengineering and consultingfirm,Setec, worksinthe fields of planning,economics,wastemanagement, project management, telecommunication, water,energy,geotechnical analysis,and environmental m anagement. French Société d’Études Techniques et Économiques,whichtranslatesto “technical and economical design business,”iswhatinspiredthe creation ofSetec in 1957.Nearthe Seine in Paris, the company’s headquarters are situated. The corporation started to organizeinto manycompaniesand expand its global operationsin the 1960s. TheChannel Tunnel, the Millau Viaduct, the LGV Rhin-Rhôneand LGVEst, the PekingOpera,the CoeurDéfense skyscraper,theMacauLight Rail Transit,the FoundationLouisVuitton pourla création, andnumerous other infrastructuresandbuildingsare justa fewexamples ofthe major projectsto whichSetec contributed.